Oh! Young Men! Arise And Awake!

It is said that India is the country having more than 60% of Youths in it's population! So the World Calls us as 'Young Nation'! But at the same time' Young Nation' Doesn't Refer To the number of Youths here.. Because Nowadays Even a 18 year old behaves as if he doesn't have anything to do with the country! A Country can be called 'Young Nation' when every Like Minded Individuals Come out and Work For the country.... India have the Maximum number of youths in the world! But What's the use of having maximum number of Youths when these teenagers have still not Arised? That's why Swamiji Says "Arise, Awake, and Stop Not Till The goal is reached!". Today the whole nation is dreaming of a Powerful India and it is required that this humongous task should be fulfilled! Then Who Can Complete This Task? Definitely Everyone Knows the answer.. That is we.. In the sense Youths.... But only thing is that we shoul...