Hinduism Under Threat!

The 'Sanathana Dharma' is really facing threats from the past many centuries. Especially at present, the Hindus are crushed to the ground by the So Called Ruling Parties. There was a time, where Hindus stood up and enlightened the world with their knowledge and spirituality. But now they are considered as Minorities! Again this the tragedy of our Country. Then what are the atrocities faced by the Hindus, today? Here is the List : 1. Mass Conversions 2. Destruction of Hindu Institutions 3. Vote Bank Politics 4. Hindu Apathy And Ignorance 5. Solutions Mass Conversions >15,018 Persons converted in single day in Ongole. What to Say? These Conversions are Increasing day by day! >10,000 Churches planned in 2005 alone,by just one group. > In 1998, the seventh Adventist Church reported 225,000 members. In 2005, the numbers reached around 825,000. "Most of the peo...