Plane Crash Or Cover-Up?

Every Tale Has A Beginning And An End. For Example When A Man Takes Birth ; His Life Begins  From His  Birth And d Ends Till His Death.  But The Story ory I'm Going  To  Tell Now  Has A Beginning, But  The End Is Not Yet Decided Till Today!  Yes I am Talking  About The Disappearance Of One Of The Most Prominent Revolutionary And A Warrior Who Made The British To Feel That "Oh Shit! Why The Hell We Came To India?" He Was Called As 'Netaji' By Hitler! Yes He is  Subhash Chandra Bose. He Was The First Indian Who Made A British To Polish His Boot! That Was His Strength!  Bose Strongly Believed That "Freedom Is Not Given It Is Taken!"  When Bose Was Elected  as The President of Indian National Congress, Two Men Were Completely Disturbed. They were Nehru and Gandhiji!

 After Having A Difference Of Opinion With Gandhiji ;Bose Left Indian National Congress And Started His Own Party Called As Forward Bloc. The Main Intention Of The  Indian National Army  Was To Free India From The Clutches Of The British. That's Why He Called It As 'Azad Hind'. He  Went To Germany And Sought The Help Of Hitler.

He Travelled To  Italy, Berlin And Many Other Countries For Building His Army. He Got A Big Assurance From The Japanese. But Unfortunately The British Badly Defeated The INA Soldiers. I Can't Say That British Defeated INA, But I can Say That It Was The Indians Itself Who Defeated Bose's Army! The Story Till Here Is Known To Everyone, But What Happened Next? This Mystery Is Known To Very Few People! We Can See Many Permutations And Combinations In Bose's Life Here Afterwards. "Bose Died In A Plane Crash" This Is The Same Old Statement That We Are Hearing  From The Past 70 Years On Him. Some Say That, After The Defeat  Bose Was Completely Depressed And He Boarded A Plane To Japan And Then He Died. But Japan Confidently Says That There Was No Such Plane Crash From August 14th To August 18th In 1945

Even The British did not believe that Bose died in a plane crash!  Surprisingly  it is said that British spied on Bose even after Independence. Mr Stalin (Not Joseph Stalin) who was appointed as the Head of Inquiry Committee Was Searching For Netaji All Over the World. It is said that there was a rift rivalry Between them. The  Question which arises here is Did Bose   really travelled in that plane?  It  is very difficult to answer it,  but we have to know this one thing here; Japanese Government  refused  to send the dead body(No One Believes That It Was Bose's Dead Body!) To India As  the Chemicals required to prevent the Decaying  of body Was  Not  Available  In  Tokyo During  That Time.  And  Interestingly  When  A Photographer  Tried To  Capture Photo Of The  Dead  Body,  He  Was  Refused To Do That  And Was Allowed  To  Take  The  Picture  Excluding  The  Face!  Was  Japan Trying To  Hide  Something? When  We Observe This Impact  Clearly We  Could  clearly understand that they did not want to disclose The Identity of the dead body to anyone.  In  other words they wanted everyone to believe that the dead body was of Netaji's!  Then  where was Bose  that day?  Very few people know this mystery.  One Among  this is Rahman Who  was Netaji's Companion.  When he was Enquired  by the British, He did not Uttered  a single word But  after severe torture By The British  He  said that "Bose  is alive And He Is In  in Russia!  The British Were  Initially  surprised but didn't take it seriously.  There  may be two reasons for this.  One, they might have thought that Rahman  is lying and the other is that they might have fed up with Boss as they were about to leave India in a few months. 

 Did Bose  really stayed in Russia?  The Other fact we have to think here is  that Bose did not like the mindset and principles of Congress and Guess  What?  If  India would be free from British then Bose would be the First  Prime Minister  Of  India because he had Huge  support of the Indians.  on the other Hand,  Nehru was eagerly waiting to become the first PM of India.  He Knew that Bose  would be an obstacle in his way and Nehru gave a clear cut statement that "If situation forces me to kill Subhash,  then I would not hesitate for that"!  No  Comments  on this Statement.

  But we can understand that Nehru  wanted the PM post at any cost and He Was Ready To Do Anything To Be The First Prime Minister Of India!   Another Question  arises here is was Boss murdered?  Some say that that Stalin killed Bose!  A Strong  reason to say that Boss was not killed in that that plane crash Was  that,  Bose  used to travel in submarines  so that the British could not spy on him.  A Book Which is Written  By Anuj Dhar is really sounding today.  After  reading this book it gave birth to many questions on Netaji is Life! " The India's biggest cover up"  tell some interesting facts and unknown mysteries.  At  the same time we should not forget that Bose  was married to a German lady named Emilie. Bose  used to write letters to Her wherever he was.  Bose  even had a daughter named Anitha.  It  is said That Bose Saw Anita when she was 4 weeks old and that was the first and last time!  Emilie Being A German loved  India very much.

Emilie(Right) And Anita(Left) 
It  Is  said that Bose  used to share His opinions and plans with  Emilie.  Infact she was the one who suggested Bose to meet Hitler!   It  is said that even after independence,  Emilie  Had phone contact with Bose's  parents.  When  she was asked by a friend that "Is Bose  Alive?" She said that "Some  People  need to be said Dead  To  Be  Alive!"  No  need to say the Rest!  This Gives  A  Clear  Image That Emilie Knew the Truth  And it seemed that she was not allowed to speak on that matter.  We can understand that this is not a plane crash but this is the biggest cover up that the world Had Seen till date and forever.  None of us today Are ready to accept that Bose died in a plane crash and another major fact we need to analyse is that Bose was a great devotee and follower of Swami Vivekananda. Swamiji's  RajaYoga work gives some idea of  spirituality and Teaches how to concentrate On our mind and and reach The State of Samadhi.  We Can See Many Times In his life that he Reached The state of Samadhi and used  to  Express His Spiritual Powers.  When  A  man  practices this RajaYoga perfectly then he becomes A Yogi and gains  spiritual powers with which He  can leave as many years he want. Subhash practiced  this Raja Yoga and it is said that He  used to concentrate on his mind, often involved in Meditation. Bose Says  "Whenever  I travel in Submarines  I used to meditate there because meditation brings a Peace  of mind to me". Taking  this Has a Base many say that  Bose Is living as A Yogi  far away and doesn't like to speak to anyone.  "Bose Dead or Alive"  Web  Series Too  Reveals  some Mind  Blowing  Facts  on Bose's Death!  After  the death of Jawaharlal Nehru,  Lal Bahadur Shastri became the Prime Minister.  When  He came to Tashkent in 1968 for historical 'Tashkent agreement'  With  Pakistan by the interference of Russia; It  is said that Bose  was in Russia and Bose Met Shastri During That Time!

  By  this we can understand that even Shastri new The Mystery Of Bose!  But  The shocking is that Shastri unexpectedly died in Tashkent!  Just  like Bose  Even Shastri's Death Is A  Mystery  Even  Today!  Suppose  Shastri came to India,  probably then the world could have known the truth,  but the cover up is still covered!  It  is said that Bose  even met Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan there afterwards,  But  There  Are  No  Proofs For that. It Is Said That Bose Was In The Funeral Of Nehru!   We  have infinite number of questions on Bose death.   Is  Bose dead?   Is  Bose Alive?  Did  He  died in the plane Crash?  Did  Nehru killed Bose?  Did  British killed Bose?  Did Russians killed Bose? Did Germans killed Bose? Did He commit suicide?  Is He still living as a yogi?  If  then why Is He Not Showing Up Himself?  Where Is He Now? Why  Did He Created A Big Question Mark? Would He Return In The Future? There Are Many Unanswered Questions. Indeed It Is The Biggest Cover - Up The World Had Seen On An Individual's Disappearance . But There Will Be An End For This 'Total Lunar Eclipse' Certainly . Bose Will Get The 'Vimochanam' Very Shortly. Truth Can't Escape And Truth Triumphs Again. But Unfortunately The Political Parties Are Trying To "Cover-Up"  This Case Once for All! Maybe Netaji's Mystery Remains As A Mystery Itself! 



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